Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You Have A Disgusting Problem

Excuse me this is very hard to type. I just puked all over my computer. I'm sorry dude but I think you have a serious disgusting problem. You have abused your body with muscle milk and weight lifting and now you are just so disgusting. Oh no, wait I can't keep it down......
Ugh. Let's just try to get through this. I am telling you this because I care about you and I don't want your arms to explode and get gross inside parts all over the outside. Holy shit that is the worst. Oh no I am definitely about to puke. Thank goodness I brought my puke plate.
Thank god for that puke plate. At least my computer didn't get anymore puke on it. The point is that you are a disgusting person and I hate you for taking those pictures of yourself and putting them on the sacred blog and forcing me to see how gross you are and then making me puke everywhere. How come I never noticed how gross you were before?

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