Monday, July 19, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

Have you ever come home while your roommate was sleeping and you tried really hard to be quiet but you feel like every noise you make is so loud? That's what happened to me tonight. Maybe it is amplified by the fact that we have a studio apt and your roommate is only feet away but seriously every move I make seems to be enormously loud. Even the typing of this keyboard. I hope that I am not too much of a disturbance. Also even though the picture is a real college type picture about your dormmate having a date "sleeping over" and whatever that is not the case. It is just only one of the google pics available to use. Either way the message is clear RESPECT YOUR ROOMMATES! and the message is especially clear when they are not just random folks your college assigns you with and instead they are some of your best friends forever. Just try to type quietly!

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