Friday, July 16, 2010

move over jerry springer, there is a new man in town

His name is Steve Wilkos. Host of the Steve Wilkos Show. While watching silent tv this morning I noticed a show that looks very similar to the jerry springer show. The only difference is it is hosted by a middle-aged bald, kinda chubby and unattractive -but just normal looking enough to appear on tv and host a show- kinda like dr. phil dude. so this show looks exactly like jerry springer, but has more of a maury meets dr. phil feel to it. admittedly, i haven't heard a single thing anyone has said, and i don't real lips, but basically it goes like this: MY MOM HOARDS ANIMALS. if there was every a show that was more of a clear rip off of other shows then i'd like to see you find it because steve wilkos takes the cake, forever and always.

Okay this just in: steve wilkos "is best known as the former director of security on The Jerry Springer Show. Wilkos had previously substituted for Springer as host on many occasions before being given his own talk show."

now we know why this show looks exactly like the jerry springer show. but my question is why look exactly like jerry if you are acting more like maury and phil? and actually if you want to take into account his baldness (purposeful baldness) he is also montel. god i just don't know what to

"As of August 2009, the show has moved its filming location to Stamford, Connecticut."

Great, filmed near my home town. how am i ever going to live this down? Im gonna be the laughing stock of the neighborhood.


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