Sunday, July 25, 2010


Ok here we go babies. New news. I am still not trusting google image search because it's scary to get viruses and also it sucks. But I am sad because it has really impacted my life. It has impacted my life in ways I never imagined. I guess I took those images for granted for too long. I can't even post silly things on my friends facebook walls because how can I search these funny things. Well at least I still got youtube.
Anywhos here is a pic of Rum Tum Tugger and "waterlilies" from "sample pics". Once again this is in case you cannot get your own pictures of waterlilies and you need a comp to supply them for you. In case you didn't know Rum Tum Tugger is indeed a curious cat. Also we have determined that if you were to offer him both a pheasant and a grouse he would prefer a grouse. We have also determined that if there is no fish to be offered to him he will refuse to eat a rabbit. What an annoying cat.

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