Thursday, July 15, 2010

We Have to Get Back to the Party!

OMG! This is truly a miracle and a coincidence... or is it fate? Or is it destiny?! Matthew Fox and Terry O'Quinn have consecutive birthdays. I was so busy celebrating Bastille Day yesterday so I could not expend enough energy on Mr. Fox's birthday but after I found out that Terry O'Quinn celebrates his day of birth today it is clear that a celebration must occur. Don't worry I got the cake and the miller lite and the ketchup chips... I think those might be ketchup chips. Can you imagine the parties they had on the set of the show? I bet they were off the hook!!!!!

I got the whole gang together to celebrate. Well mostly I got Jin, Sawyer, Hurley and Faraday and then I just got the cast of Charm City Cakes to all hang out and eat this Lost cake. Hope Hugo doesn't eat the whole cake! Save some for the birthday boys.

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