Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Blog For All Seasons

So I am still not using google image search. In case you didn't know I am avoiding google image search for two reasons.
1. Viruses? Maybe viruses
2. They killed my friend (I still cannot discuss details)
So I have thought of some great things to blog about but I am gonna save them for a day when I can get the appropriate pictures. So instead I am going through the various pictures I have saved on this ol' compy of mine. So far its going pretty good and I'm sure we are gonna get some GREAT blogs from this treasure trove of imagery.
For example the picture of the top of this blog was JUST made like one second ago using a picture I already had of Casey from Scream and a picture labeled "sunset" in a folder labeled "sample folder" in my picture documents. I guess they do this in case you cannot be bothered to upload any of your own pictures of sunsets, or google pictures of sunsets but you still want a picture of a sunset on your computer. Great idea computer makers.
Lets see what else we can find on here.
Oh look. Here is a picture of Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter. You can definitely tell it's them because it's labeled. Good thing we can be sure that this is a very real picture of Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter. Hhhhmmm I wonder why this was saved to my comp? I guess we will never know. I'm glad I got the chance to rediscover it. Thanks Blog!
Wow! Look at this picture of a table I found on my computer! Who's table is it? It could be anyone's table. It could even be our table. Maybe its YOUR table!!!!!

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