Monday, May 28, 2012

Woah, guys that was fast! I knew I could count on you to get the blog juices flowing. THATS A DISGUSTING THING TO SAY! Well, as I said the disgusting blog juices are flowing. We are literally drowning in your letters and your blog juices over here. RIP Aguh. We all just died because of the blog juice metaphor being so disgusting and the drowning, and all the letters.

Well I'm an angel now and I am blogging from blog heaven. I think this happened before on here. But who knows, who can even pretend to understand the mysteries of life and death. I got some bad news for you guys, blog heaven looks a lot like Bushwick :(. But we must move on, you only live twice, am I right or am I right. That brings me to our first letter, here I will publish it for you:

Dear Aguh,


Jack Teflon

Well thanks for the inquiry "Jack". The answer to your question is, no. The correct spelling is YOLT. We all know you only live twice. So make the most of those two lives! In one of them you can star in a movie about singing and teenagers and basketball and then you save the second life for doing something important. Like helping people. Maybe doctors without borders? Maybe greenpeace? Definitely not whale wars. Maybe blogging? My point is definitely just fuck around and waste that first life because you get another one, and then in that other one definitely do NOT fuck around. What are you doing! You just wasted your first life, you only have this other one left and then that is it! Make it count! YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE FOR GODS SAKE!

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