Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No Reservations

I'm addicted to No Reservations. NO NOT THAT NO RESERVATION STARRING CATHERIN ZETA JONES AND HARVEY DENT! I have never even seen that movie! But you know what's weird? That movie poster is related to what I am addicted to, which is people that like cooking and talking about food. I am addicted to Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations! Ugh I don't get it either so don't ask me. But you know what else I don't get, the ad campaign. They have all this talk about good Anthony vs Bad Anthony and whether he will be an angel or a devil. I DONT GET IT! I have watched WAY too many episodes of this show to still not understand why that is the premise for the ad campaign. Supposedly he is sometimes good and sometimes evil. I mean I guess it makes sense. Lets check out the two sides of Anthony Bourdain.....
So he does seem pretty evil. I mean he smokes cigarettes AND wears ripped jeans. Prettay prettay evil.
BUT! At the same time....
He has a kid and sometimes there is a picture of him with a kid. So I guess that makes him good?
I guess I understand better but mostly as far as I can tell this is a show about a guy who gets paid a lot of money to travel around the world and eat stuff. AND I STILL LOVE IT

A Mother's Tan

If you live with someone who watches teen mom, then you are going to watch teen mom. one thing i noticed about this show is how tan this mama is. It does not translate well into photographs, but holy shit, this girl is orange-brown.

The Question Of Our Time

The age old question. A question we've been asking ourselves since at least the 1970s.
Who would you do first Amy Poehler or Tina Fey?

Now I have been thinking about it a lot, and they both have some great qualities. One has great taste in glasses, the other is married to Gob Bluth. How ever will we choose!?

Amy has the rebel appeal (as pictured below)

Tina has the hot for teacher appeal (pictured below) (if only van halen was making the decision, it would be so much easier). She's my cherry pie. ya know?

Aguh this is too hard.
who would you choose?

Well i think i have made my decision....

I CHOOSE 3Some Threesome Minaj


Tum Thumping

DON'T PANIC! Aguh now on tumblr. Soooooooo.... check it out. I mean I love this aguh but you can't post videos. Also there was MAJOR pressure from the fans to head on over there. But I'm sure things will be great. Also I am really distracted writing this cuz I'm watching a rerun of Lindsay Lohan hosting SNL and so..... I am not ...........paying attention...... to what I'm writing