Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Hey guys, guess what I just realized. Ray Liotta suffers from Ricardus syndrome. Actually I realized that he had this disease a while ago but I sort of forgot about cuz I haven't seen Corrina Corrina in a while. Anywhos I just figured I would put it out there so that these two can get together and start a support group and start supporting each other. Now Ima be late for school cuz I was blogging about Ricardus syndrome.
"Welcome to the club"- Richard Alpert.
Miss you guys so much!

Friday, September 17, 2010

The Big T

We've decided to start a new tradition around here where we talk about Tori and Dean starting the tradition of buying a baby grand piano. We really think that tradition is important and that traditions can help to bring together a family and bring happy memories to children and adults alike.
See, they really did start the tradition of buying a piano. I wasn't making it up. There is Dean working on the tradition. Just concentrating on traditional traditions. Tell me T tell me (T stands for tradition)!
Ok, now I'm starting the tradition of puking onto my puke plate. Yuck.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Worst VMA's Ever

Ok dudes, what a horrible awards show. Did you guys see when Linkin Park performed. That was really not fun. And then a bunch of weird random people stopped by. And then Cher? Well that happened. Nothing exciting happened, and then some other boring stuff happened. Let's just go on and look at the some of the big winners of the night.

Ok, time for JENKS


Jane Lynch just called Kesha, Kaysha. It was the greatest moment of my life. I can only pray that she did it on purpose. Well gotta go, Taylor Swift is freaking out about one time Kanye did something to her, I don't remember, but I gotta go listen to her squeak this tune out. She seems REALLY upset.


Seriously. This guy is still around? He just won a VMA? 30 Seconds to Far(t)s is still a thing? And winning things?! Winnings things as prestigious and sought after as a Video Music Award?!!! Wow, what can you do? I have an idea, how about we go fight club Jared in the face and then shoot him up with some heroin and cut off his arm and then we can go ahead and force him to chase a bottle of aspirin with a bottle of vodka, we can then hide the body in the panic room and that will be the end of his so called life.

I'm Blovin It

Bam, why are you bloated?

I Got Something to Say!

Well a lot has happened. Let me just get a few things off my chest. For one, I was really scared that eminem and rihanna were about to either start fucking or fighting. For two Lindsay Lohan really made me proud. Way to put yourself out there girl. Number three Chelsea Handler is REALLY out of breathe and freaking me out. I think she might be about to pass out.

My Jenks2.0

Stop welcoming me to your world. I choose not to enter. Get out of here Jenks, Justin Beiber just sang happy birthday to me i don't need you.

Sup World, It's Sway

ITS THE VMA's FINALLY! The award show of the year has finally arrived. Of course we will be live blogging, and by of course I mean maybe cuz I'm not sure. But just letting you know the first award of the night has already been given out. And the winner for Greatest Music Video of ALL TIME goes to:

DRIVE SHAFT: "Diaper Song"

Congratulations Drive Shaft. We are so proud of you! Everyone in the audience gets a free promotional Drive Shaft Ring.
Sadly everyone in Drive Shaft has died of a heroin overdose so accepting the award is their good good friend.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Skunk Burp

Hey, I know that the ladies love cool James. It is obvious that LL Cool J has many admirable qualities. He is obviously fit. And he can wear hats very well. He has written some of the best sensitive and aggressive rap music. But there is one thing about LL Cool J that is perhaps not so cool.
In the song "My Baby" LL admits to being a considerable light weight when it comes to drinking alcohol. According to Cool James himself, him and his lady split a six pack, and are then drunk as a skunk. Don't believe me? The proof is in the puddin'. See these lyrics are literally copy pasted from AZ lyrics. Check it out.
"We drink some beer inside of daddy's '64
She shot me in the back with cupid's arrow
We finish the 6-pac, she push the seat back
Pulled up her dress and she let me peep that
Im Drunk as a skunk, feeling all dirty
Truck stop bathroom at 7:30"
And so it is obvious that LL Cool J gets pretty drunk off of a shared six pack. Further information leads me to believe that they must have been drinking Heineken because this is a very skunky beer.
Anywho's maybe we should lay low on this story. LL has been around for a long time and I wouldn't wanna embarrass an elderly man. Just letting you know if you ever go out to a club, such as Ultra 88 or something, and you see LL Cool J, don't pressure him to drink too much because it would certainly lead to alcohol poisoning.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dumb Dumb Dore

This is so embarrassing. I spent so long thinking that Dumbledore was played by Sir Ian McKellen. I knew that that first Dumbledore was played by a different dude with kind eyes, but then he died the part I got mixed up with was that I thought that Sir Ian McKellen played him in the subsequent films. How many times did I talk to people about how I thought it was so weird that Sir Ian played two famous wizards. How many times did I say this and people politely nod along knowing I was super wrong?! I am truly ashamed.

Oh Boy

Oh boy you guys, it's been a rough day. My day has hardly started and it has been totally rough. I am really really having a hard time adjusting to a certain curious c. Ugh. I am so tired and roughed up that I can hardly type this. I am really trying to think of words to type down but I can't and my fingers can barely move.nkjslkfjlslljjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj oh sorry dude I just fell asleep on my back across the keyboard.
Well gotta get back to hating my life. Thanks for hearing me out.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Word of the Day:

Are you professional?


sleep on the side

so i am watching boys on the side. it is kinda weird. kinda good. kinda whatever. as long as whoopie keeps singing ill keep watching. one problem is that i am so tired.

i cant stay awake for much longer. must go on. cant go on. must go on. poor drew barry getting beat up by a mean old man. maybe this is why the beatles wrote mean mr mustard. night night.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mhe Tuppet Prog Frince

Mhe Tuppet Prog Frince is a gery vood munny fovie. I leally rove it. Nut bot mas uch as I tove lhe tovie: Ma Cuppet Mhristmas Carol. Ugh. This is really hard.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ever wonder what is fish oil? I mean we all know what fish oil is, but what is it REALLY! Well don't worry, we sent our crack team of investigative journalists on the story of the century. After seconds of waiting for the page to load it has now been determined what fish oil truly is.

According to Wikipedia fish oil is:
"Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of oily fish."
There you have it people. The truth will set you free.
You Racist.

Tikki Tikki Tembo

You racist.