Sunday, November 15, 2009

this is kinda gross

So, it's just that time in the year where we have to talk about Garth Brooks. Listen, nobody in these parts (my apt) has a liking to this man. I mean, nothing against him, nobody hates him, it's not like he is Mel Gibson, but really, there is nothing special about this dude. ANYWHOS so in a strange turn of events all of us over here in these parts were chatting about Garth, sort of out of blue or somthing. To my suprise I was the only person who remembered Garth's alter ego, Chris Gaines, so it was time to investigate and prove to the world (my apt) that there was indeed a man named Chris Gaines.
So according to Wikipedia Garth was set to be in a movie called, The Lamb, and he was to play a brooding sort of rock star called Chris Gaines and then Garth took on that alter ego and promoted shit and was even on SNL as Gaines, which i kinda remember!
But really this is just so weird, like how could anybody forget that this happened, because really it is just the weirdest! Also Wiki says, "Despite the less than spectacular response to the Christ Gaines project, Brooks gained his first-and only- US top 40 pop single in "Lost in You" the first single in the album. So it seems to me that there were probably A LOT of Americans who were really into this Chris Gaines fellow.
ALSO has anybody thought of the reasoning behind the name, Garth. Like I never sat down to think about how Garth Brooks has the same name as Garth Algar, and like, nobody else in the world has that name cuz its just too weird.
ALSOOOOOOOOO, Garth Brooks has the same birthday as me! I'm not sure about Gaines birthday.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ok, so, ok, lets just do this. Well... to get straight to the point.... today we saw Mel Gibson and in reality he is about 80 years old and super wrinkly and in some sort of hypnotized trance walking around with his arms in front of him with glazed over eyes holding his walkman out in front of him. so now that thats over lets get into this. there are two important features in this story. number one, mel gibson not only looks fucked up and wrinkly but also as if he is not really tuned into reality. number two he is holding a walkman out in front of him. this fact in itself has two important parts, one he is holding it out in front of his face as he walks, number two... a walkman. so it seems as if mel gibson is a zombie listening to something... on tape? so the tape, we have deduced it can only be one of two things, number one, his weird russian mistress just had a baby, this is his eighth baby. so obviously the first time he had a baby must have been many years ago. so when he first had his first of many babies cassette tapes were probably all the rage. so all his tapes about baby advice cannot be listend to on anything but a walkman. the only other thing it could be is his old copy of the bible on tape. cuz you only need one copy of the bible on tape. his copy is of course read by himself, and in aramaic. MOST important there is a zombie mel gibson on the loose! watch out new york, sorry we didnt stop him while we could.

Saturday, November 7, 2009