Monday, July 12, 2010


Congratulations! Way to go! You did it! You finally did it! That is the best look alike you have ever ever done. Man I am just so proud. Your choices could only be described as two princes. Two princes of look alikes. I would like to add one more person to this duo of looking alike as I submit the guidance counselor from Freaks and Geeks.
Bad news is I do have to chastise you for your promotion of Terri Hatcher. Bad choice dude. I mean I know we all love Superman the Adventures of Lois and Clark but still I am disappointed.


  1. bad choice DUE!?????????!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU GUYS RETARDS OR SOMETHING?!?!? LOLOLOLOL

  2. also, i can always count on being able to google the title of your posts and know that the first image that comes up will be included.

    like this post.

    i found out, terry.
