Monday, July 12, 2010

Bad Dad

In honor of Terry's win in the daddy issues category we would like to shed some light on his daddy that was giving him issues. Anthony Cooper aka Sawyer aka Tighe is a man of mystery. He is truly a horrible father. He not only steals kidneys and throws people out of windows he also does other bad things. For instance he plays Nick's dad on Freaks and Geeks and he does not want Nick to play the drums. Instead he wants his son to join the army! That is like asking your son to die!! I mean this takes place in 1980 and Vietnam is a not too distant memory. What a horrible man. And get this, there's more! He also appears to be in Law and Order SVU so I am presuming that he is a child rapist and I think it is safe to assume that that child is one of his own children. AND he is in Stephen King's mini series Rose Red. Actually I think he plays a good guy in this but you know that secretly he is wanting to paralyze that little autistic girl. If this man has any children in real life I pray to God that one of our readers alerts the authorities and places them in a lovely foster care facility.

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