Sunday, May 31, 2009

Did i watch the mtv movie awards? yes, yes i did. Did you enjoy them? probably only 30% was enjoyment. andy was good, the bruno eminem thing scared the shit out of me, and zac efron's hair has become it's own entity. twilight won everything. kristin stuart is extremely awkward and i cant tell if this makes me like her more or less. i'm still hoping to never see twilight. 
I actually voted this year because as i was twittering one day thomas lennon said, "vote for me and paul to win best kiss" so i decided to do that, but then i voted for james franco and sean penn. it didnt matter in the end  because none of those kisses were in the movie twilight. zero of the people i voted for won. this is because zero of the people i voted for were in twilight. considering a new twilight movie is coming out next year im thinking its not worth my time to vote next year either. 
Whatever happened to Anne Rice? weren't her vampires good enough for everyone? they were good enough for me. does this new generation even know about Lestat? 
in other news i really wanna see drag me to hell. but is it gonna be too scary to see in theaters? should i wait to see it at home? 

Friday, May 29, 2009

Come on!

Come on America! Get with it! Britney Spears released the song Radar on her album Blackout, and then released the EXACT same version of the song on her next album Circus. When i first saw this i thought the new one must be a different version, or some sort of remix. this is not the case. its exactly the same. Circus has been out since nov or something, or maybe oct, i dont remember and i dont feel like checking, the point is that nobody in any interview, or album review or anything has mentioned the fact that she has the same exact song on both albums. Everyone just wants to talk about how fucked up she was and how great she is doing now, by the way, this is really just people talking about how she was chubbier when blackout came out and now she is back in shape. the only reason she is doing "better" is because her dad controls her life now.

So NOW they are making the video for her new single which just happens to be Radar.... and still America is silent.

Sheen It!

About The Sheen. After watching Apocalypse Now and Platoon, and then Wall Street, a couple things become very clear. There is a certain "sheen" to the Sheens, thus making them, "The Sheen". It's hard to put into words, but in an attempt I would like to draw particular attention to the hair. Get it? There is a certain "sheen" to the hair. Notice the narrating skills. Both Sheen takes a different approach to it, but both also have a definite "sheen" to their voice. Now it is important to bring up the Emilio Estevez factor. He hass a slight sheen to him, but its just not the same. Example: kirby keager. His hair is slightly martin, but really it just doesnt have that sheen.
Now its about to get really complicated, Michael Douglas. He is an honorary Sheen. He is a second rate sheen, just look at him.
To come to the main point, there should be a game like the game, Scene It? Well there needs to be a Sheen It edition. All Sheen, a hundred and twenty percent Sheen. Every answer will be either martin or charles.